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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Analysis, prognosis and design of control measures of ground water level regime using numerical modelling

Analysis, prognosis and design of control measures of ground water level regime using numerical modelling

Analýza, prognóza a návrh regulačných opatrení hladinového režimu podzemných vôd použitím numerického modelovania

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2006 [ ročník XII, číslo 2 ]
Andrej Šoltész, Dana Baroková

ABSTRACT: The goal of the contribution is on base of analysis and prognosis of groundwater level regime by means of numerical modelling to show the possibility of introducing technical measures which have to decrease the unfavourable groundwater level regime in the vicinity of the Žilina hydraulic structure. For numerical simulation purposes a mathematical model by means of finite element method has been provided in right-side alluvium of the Váh River with detailed concentration on the Mojš village. After putting Žilina hydraulic structure into operation in periods of excessive precipitation activity as well as after sudden snowmelt in the spring time cellars of the majority of houses in the village have been flooded. When setting up the mathematical model lots of hydro-geological data from previous survey have been used which created the base for calibration and verification process of the model in several hydrological situations.

odkaz na článok:
Šoltész, A. & D. Baroková, 2006: Analysis, prognosis and design of control measures of ground water level regime using numerical modelling.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 2/2006, 113-123.

jazyk článku: angličtina

kľúčové slová: interakcia povrchovej a podzemnej vody, vodná stavba, numerické modelovanie, metóda konečných prvkov

key words: interaction of surface- and groundwater, hydraulic structure, numerical modelling, finite element method

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