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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Groundwater quality in the Tarnowskle Góry district based on monitoring data results

Groundwater quality in the Tarnowskle Góry district based on monitoring data results

Kvalita podzemných vôd v oblasti Tarnowskle Góry na základe výsledkov monitoringu

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2003 [ ročník IX, číslo 2 ]
Andrzej J. Witkowski, Hanna Rubin

ABSTRACT: The utilisable groundwater occurs in Quaternary and Triassie formations. The most valuable source of potable water is the Triassie karst-fractured carbonate aquifer. High negative human impact and generally high groundwater vulnerability to pollution have caused a significant groundwater contamination in both aquifers. Locally high groundwater contamination observed in the Triassie aquifer (B - up to 82 mg/dm3, Sr - up to 16,3 mg/dm3, As - up to 2,57 mg/dm3, N03 - up to 159,95 mg/dm3, trichloroethene - up to 841 ug/dm3) is alarming. This critical situation resulted in cIosing many intakes. Groundwater is intensively monitored ( 124 monitoring sites, functioning in the framework of national - 7 sites, regional - 7 sites. and local monitoring networks - 110 sites) in this area. All these networks have their own programme (variable number of sites, sampling frequency, range of chemical analysis) and they should be co-ordinated. The complex interpretation of data from all existing monitoring networks is necessary for assessment of the real state of groundwater quality in considered district.

odkaz na článok:
Witkowski, A. & H. Rubin, 2003: Groundwater quality in the Tarnowskle Góry district based on monitoring data results .- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, IX, 2/2003, 20-27.

jazyk článku: angličtina

kľúčové slová: kvalita podzemnej vody, monitoring, antropogénne vplyvy, bór, trichlóretén, tetrachlóretén

key words: groundwater quality, monitoring, human impact, boron, TCE, PCE

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