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Nové poznatky o hydraulických vlastnostiach hornín terciéru a kvartéru na východnom Slovensku

Nové poznatky o hydraulických vlastnostiach hornín terciéru a kvartéru na východnom Slovensku

New knowledge on hydraulic properties of tertiary and quaternary rocks in the eastern Slovakia

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2000 [ ročník VI, číslo 2 ]
Ján Jetel

ABSTRACT: Regional research provided new picture of hydrogeology in the Carpathian Flysch, Central-Carpathian Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary aquifers, Spatial distribution of permaeability in the Flysch and the Central-Carpathian Paleogene is controlled much more by decrease of permaeability with depth than by lithology and shows some other specific regularities (weak relation of permeability to lithology, near-surface zone as the main continuous aquifer, significance of fracture zones), Different categories of transmissivity related to the position in the relief morphology are to be distinguished, Quantitative geohydraulic characteristics of particular Paleogene forrnations have been determined, In regions without data from wells, geohydraulic parameters are estimated by indirest merhods based on hydrometric, hydrochemical and geomorphometric data. The experience of using these methods optimized the estimates of transmissivity by new interpretation formulae, The
Neogene sediments show distinct statistical dependence of permeability on lithology. The decrease of their permeability with depth is less pronounced. The highest transmissivities are ob served (without any relation to lithology) in some fracture zones attached to young faults, In the neogene volcanics no significant difference between mean permeability of effusive and volcanoclastic rocks can be evidenced, Maximum transmissivities of the Quaternary aquifers (up to 3.10-2 m2/s) are found in young tectonic depressions with high thickness of fluvial gravels.

odkaz na článok:
Jetel, J., 2000: Nové poznatky o hydraulických vlastnostiach hornín terciéru a kvartéru na východnom Slovensku.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, VI, 2/2000, 67-73.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: regionálna hydrogeológia, priepustnosť, prietočnosť, priestorová distribúcia priepustnosti, flyš, centrálnokarpatský paleogén, neogén, vulkanity, kvartér

key words: regional hydrogeology, permeability, transmissivity, patial distribution of permeability, Flysch, Central-Carpathian Paleogene, Neogene, vocanics, Quaternary

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