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Zhodnotenie vplyvu environmentálnej záťaže Banská Štiavnica – odkalisko Lintich na životné prostredie

Zhodnotenie vplyvu environmentálnej záťaže Banská Štiavnica – odkalisko Lintich na životné prostredie

Evaluation of impact of contaminated site Banska Stiavnica – Lintich tailings on environment

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2018 [ ročník 24, číslo 1 ]
Jozef Kordík, Michal Jankulár, Iveta Zvarová

ABSTRACT: In 2012, the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr started to solve the task of “Monitoring of Environmental Burdens in Selected Sites of Slovakia”, whose main objective was to build and implement a monitoring network on 161 sites of environmental burdens. In the paper, attention is paid to the environmental impact of Banská Štiavnica – Lintich tailings on the environment on the basis of the results of the above mentioned task and the ongoing monitoring. In the groundwater of the monitoring wells, elevated values of several indicators of water chemical composition were found. These are primarily the higher conductivity values and the high contents of the basic chemical components (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO4 2- and HCO3 -) as well as several toxic elements (especially Cd, Pb, Zn). The negative influence of the tailings was also found in the drainage waters of the tailings. Limits exceeding the general quality of surface water according to Government Decree 269/2010 were found for conductivity, pH, sulphate, Ca2+, Mn, Cd and Zn concentrations. Exceeding the indicative (ID) and intervention (IT) criteria according to Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic no. 1/2015-7 was also found in soils, river/bottom sediments and borehole core samples for several chemical parameters (especially Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn).

odkaz na článok:
Kordík, J., Jankulár, M. & I. Zvarová 2018: Zhodnotenie vplyvu environmentálnej záťaže Banská Štiavnica – odkalisko Lintich na životné prostredie.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 24, 1/2018, 31-50.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: Environmentálne záťaže, životné prostredie, antropogénny vplyv, Banská Štiavnica – odkalisko Lintich

key words: Environmental burdens, environment, anthropogenic influence, Banská Štiavnica – tailing impoundment Lintich

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