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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Úvod do problematiky znečistenia životného prostredia per- a polyfluóralkylovými zlúčeninami (PFAS)

Úvod do problematiky znečistenia životného prostredia per- a polyfluóralkylovými zlúčeninami (PFAS)

Introduction to the environmental pollution issues by per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs)

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2019 [ ročník 25, číslo 1 ]
Nora Jantáková, Kamila Hodasová, Mária Bubeníková, Anna Patschová

ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the issue of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is being primarily addressed to the protection of the environment and human health. The PFASs have been present in the environment for decades due to the anthropogenic activities. However, their negative impact was proven in the early 2000s. These synthetic substances pose a threat to human health as well as to the environment. In the USA, the monitoring of PFASs has been carried for longer period. In the European Union, these substances have been purposely observed and studied only in some countries (Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom). A significant problem with high PFASs concentration in waters was reported in the northern Italy, as well. Despite the relatively wide range of data and the negative environmental impact, there is a lack of legislation in the EU concerning this topic. Due to the dangers these substances pose, it is increasingly urgent to set limit values based on legislative regulations, and to introduce effective remediation technology to remove them from the environment. However, the development of legislative measures is an ongoing process when considering the occurrence of new hazardous substances in the environment.

odkaz na článok:
Jantáková, N., Hodasová, K., Bubeníková, M. & A. Patschová 2019: Úvod do problematiky znečistenia životného prostredia per- a polyfluóralkylovými zlúčeninami (PFAS).- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 25, 1/2019, 54-71.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: PFAS, znečistenie, voda, environmentálne riziko, zdravotné riziko

key words: PFAS, pollution, groundwater, environmental risk, health risk

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