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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Súčasný stav hodnotenia kvantitatívneho a chemického stavu útvarov podzemných vôd Slovenskej republiky

Súčasný stav hodnotenia kvantitatívneho a chemického stavu útvarov podzemných vôd Slovenskej republiky

Present state of the groundwater bodies quantitative and chemical status evaluation in Slovak Republic

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2009 [ ročník XV, číslo 1 ]
Dušan Bodiš, Eugen Kullman, Anna Hornáčková-Patschová

ABSTRACT: Preparing the national strategy of water management in Slovakia till 2015 due with requirements of Directive 2000/60/EC (Establishing a framework for EU Community action in the field of water policy – WFD) and Guidance No. 18 (Groundwater status and trend assessment) is fundamentally based, from the point of view groundwater, on the evaluation of quantitative and chemical status of groundwater bodies. Properly and accurate evaluation of groundwater bodies and their status set up the basic assumption for the most effective adjustment of programme of measures – tool for the reverse of poor quantitative or chemical status of groundwater bodies in the process of achieving good status for all groundwater bodies on the national level (fulfilment of WFD requirements). The paper presents methodologies and results of GWB quantitative and chemical status evaluation process in Slovakia in the period when river basin management plan is preparing and make available for comments to the public, including users (www.vuvh.sk/rsv). Member state shall allow publics to comment those documents in order to ensure active involvement and consultation of all users in this process (deadline is July 23th, 2009).

odkaz na článok:
Bodiš, D., Kullman, E. & A. Hornáčková-Patschová, 2009: Súčasný stav hodnotenia kvantitatívneho a chemického stavu útvarov podzemných vôd Slovenskej republiky.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XV, 1/2009, 42-53.

kľúčové slová: Rámcová smernica o vodách 2000/60/EK, útvary podzemných vôd, kvantitatívny stav, využívanie podzemných vôd, chemický stav, pozaďová hodnota, prahová hodnota

key words: Directive 2000/60/EC, groundwater body, quantitative status, groundwater abstraction, chemical status, natural background level, threshold values

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