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Revízia zraniteľných oblastí na Slovensku

Revízia zraniteľných oblastí na Slovensku

Revision of nitrate vulnerable zones in Slovakia

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2022 [ ročník 28, číslo 2 ]
Roman Cibulka, Andrea Májovská, Elena Rajczyková, Lenka Sumegová

ABSTRACT: One of the fundamental requirements of Council Directive 91/676/EEC is to designate and regularly review Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs), i.e. to identify waters polluted by nitrates from agricultural sources and waters which could be affected by this pollution if measures were not implemented. Therefore, it is necessary to implement Action Programs in NVZs for the prevention and reduction of water pollution by nitrates from agriculture. In 2020 NVZs revision was processed on the basis of the nitrate analyses results of groundwater and surface water monitoring and the assessment of surface water eutrophication. In addition, other relevant documents and analyses helped distinguish the origin of pollution. As a result of the revision the number of NVZs has increased from 1,344 to 1,395. The area of agricultural land in NVZs increased by 444.71 km2 from the original 11,891.47 km2 to 12,336.18 km2, which currently represents 63.9% of the total agricultural land in Slovakia. Based on the results of the revision the new Government Regulation of the Slovak Republic No. 62/2022 Coll., entered into force amending Government Regulation of the Slovak Republic No. 174/2017 Coll., which establishes sensitive areas and vulnerable areas.

odkaz na článok:
Cibulka, R., Májovská, A., Rajczyková, E. & L. Sumegová 2022: Revízia zraniteľných oblastí na Slovensku.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 28, 2/2022, 75-84.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: Smernica Rady 91/676/EHS (dusičnanová smernica), zraniteľné oblasti, podzemná voda, povrchová voda, poľnohospodárstvo, monitorovanie, eutrofizácia

key words: Council Directive 91/676/EEC (Nitrate Directive), Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, groundwater, surface water, agriculture, monitoring, eutrophication

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