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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Analýza vplyvov na kvalitu podzemnej vody a návrh opatrení na dosiahnutie environmentálnych cieľov

Analýza vplyvov na kvalitu podzemnej vody a návrh opatrení na dosiahnutie environmentálnych cieľov

Analysis of pressures on groundwater quality and proposal of measures to achieve the environmental objectives

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2022 [ ročník 28, číslo 2 ]
Katarína Kučerová, Vladimír Chudoba, Mária Bubeníková, Anna Patschová

ABSTRACT: Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC determines to identify pressures to which the groundwater body is exposed. Diffuse sources of pollution were evaluated based on amount of applied nitrogen (127,677 t) in synthetic fertilizers and on active substances (1,918 t) applied in plant protection products within districts in the Slovak Republic in 2020. The concentrations of nitrates, ammonium ions and pesticides obtained from the monitoring of groundwater quality in the WRI and SHMI monitoring networks from the year 2020 were used to evaluate the state of groundwater pollution. The concentration of nitrates exceeded the quality standard in 14.6% and ammonium ions exceeded the threshold values in 20.1% of 1,351 monitoring sites. The concentration of pesticides exceeded the quality standard in 34.3% of 286 monitoring sites. However, the pesticides substances that most frequently exceeded the quality standard were toxicologically non-relevant metabolites of pesticides. Register of contaminated sites (IS CS), potential pollution sources (IMZZ) and operations under integrated pollution prevention and control (IPKZ) were used to assess pollution from point sources. For the groundwater bodies classified as being in poor chemical status or at risk of failing to achieve environmental objectives by 2027 measures have been proposed to reverse this status.

odkaz na článok:
Kučerová, K., Chudoba, V., Bubeníková, M. & A. Patschová 2022: Analýza vplyvov na kvalitu podzemnej vody a návrh opatrení na dosiahnutie environmentálnych cieľov.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 28, 2/2022, 85-100.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: Rámcová smernica o vode, kvalita podzemnej vody, bodové a difúzne zdroje znečistenia, opatrenia

key words: Water Framework Directive, groundwater quality, point and diffuse source of pollution, measures

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