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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Využitie bilančného hydrologického modelovania pri štúdiu režimu kontaminačných prejavov zo skládok údolného typu

Využitie bilančného hydrologického modelovania pri štúdiu režimu kontaminačných prejavov zo skládok údolného typu

Use of balance hydrological modelling approach by study of the contaminating effects regime from the landfills of valley type

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2008 [ ročník XIV, číslo 2 ]
Slavomír Mikita, Oliver Horvát

ABSTRACT: The seasonal differences of contaminating effects in the area around the valley type landfills are influenced by changing of climatic conditions. The lack of proper information leads towards to use the balance hydrological approach. Modelling was focused mainly on quantitative description of waste water discharge from the foot of the landfill body which is strongly influenced from climatic changes and from attributes of given landfill. The calibration of results and specific parameters were made by comparing calculated amounts of discharge leakage with the values measured occasionally from the field. The results showed comparatively good correspondence for the discharges with the month step interval. But by the discharge modelling with the day step interval some anomalies were observed. In generally the results showed possible application of used modeling approach into the studied problems, what will improve control and understanding of running processes related to the landfills of valley type.

odkaz na článok:
Mikita, S. & O. Horvát, 2008: Využitie bilančného hydrologického modelovania pri štúdiu režimu kontaminačných prejavov zo skládok údolného typu.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XIV, 2/2008, 185-190.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: skládka, hydrologická bilancia, klimatické podmienky, kontaminácia, výtok

key words: landfill, hydrological balance, climate conditions, contamination, discharge

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